Sunday, 25 August 2013

Live music and other things vaguely related to the topic

     In relation to live music I almost don't care what the music playing is like, as long as there's energy behind the playing of the music it doesn't bother me about the music itself, very much. Obviously the better the music, the better the gig, that's just logic. I also like to know the music, again not necessary but it tends to help. Then again I've been at so many gigs with bands I'd never even heard of and they've been amazing. What I would consider as the best gig I've ever been to was just recently, on my birthday, I went to see Nine Inch Nails at Belsonic in Belfast. That was an amazing gig and I had never listened to their music beforehand, now I'm a big fan, or at least a moderately big fan. Where you are really effects your experience, if you're right at the back and unable to see its going to be a bit shit, likewise if you're right at the front it'll be amazing. For example, a few days before my birthday we went to see Regina Spektor in the Olympia in Dublin, downstairs there is standing and the balconies are seated and further away from the state. Now both me and my mother were fairly tired that day and Regina's soft and pretty slow music added with the far away seats with very little sight of her just had us falling asleep halfway through the show. We left early and I felt ridiculously guilty even though we only left about two or three songs from the end. Needless to say I haven't listened to her music since. The Strypes are another example of an amazing gig but I think for me that was solely for the music, as I am a pretty big fan. On the topic of the Strypes, they're releasing their first album this Friday (only in Ireland though, England gets to wait till Monday) and they're playing a gig on Friday at midday at the reopening of HMV on Henry street, that combines my two favourite things in the world, ever.  The Strypes and HMV in one and near me too!!! Unfortunately it's a school day and I very much doubt my mum will allow me to skip school for that :'( 

Tools for Solidarity (also 1000 views)

     Tools for Solidarity are this charity organisation based in Belfast. Basically what they do is repair and refurbish tools and sewing machines and send them out to Tanzania and some other African countries. Here they teach locals how to use and maintain the tools and sewing machines. My parents both volunteered for TFS about 17 years ago, that's where they met, and they've kept in contact with the people who run the organisation. They're really great people and we still go up to visit them occasionally, for the past few years I've spent a week or two of my summer holidays there. I'd spend a fair bit of my time there at the workshop fixing tools and I really love it there, that's where I've been disappearing off to in Belfast. They have a constant flow of volunteers there who usually stay about a year and they tend to be lovely. This is quite disorganised but what I'm trying to say is that they are an amazing organisation and I've been thinking of volunteering there once I'm finished school. It's kinda a big thing for me to say this because before now I've firmly held the belief that I won't have any clue of what I want to do once I've left school until I'd left school but now I think that that's bullshit, it was just my way of not planning my future which I really don't want to do. Now I know that I want to volunteer with something, even if not TFS, and that I want to travel the world a bit. I have no interest in going to college or any further education but that's me now, for all I know I could change my mind by the time that comes around, I've still got two years. I'm fairly sure my dad wants me to go to college (he does teach in one), recently he's been pressuring me to try and figure out how many points I'll want in my Leaving Cert (big end of school exams) by figuring out which college courses I'll want to get into but I honestly think that if I do go to college it'll be as a mature student so that'll no longer matter. This was meant to be fairly exclusively about TFS but turned into more so it's probably fairly impossible to follow, sorry about that. Anyway that's that, on a completely different note, the blog has hit a thousand views so cheers for that.
     See yous,

Monday, 19 August 2013

Apologies, Excuses etc.

      I've been busy, do you really expect me to do this regularly during the summer? I have loads that I've written in this notebook I have but haven't typed them up yet. I will at some point soon, I don't know when though. I'm going to Belfast tomorrow evening because it's my sixteenth birthday on Wednesday and I'll be back when school starts. I'm much more likely to want to write then anyway I'll have much less to do (well much less that I want to do) it'll go back to being a great form of procrastination and I'm sure I'll post almost everyday. Also Weronika will be back, actually she's back today at some point, not sure when though. I'm sorry this is kinda shit, I'm in a bit of a rush, I'm going to gig tonight, Regina Spektor (I think that's how you write it) no idea what she's like so this should be interesting. I am genuinely sorry I haven't posted in ages and I'll get back into it soon enough.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

6am Rant About Bieber

     First off, I'm sorry I haven't written in ages, we've just moved house and all I've been doing is unpacking and obsessively watching this TV show all the time. So that's my excuses over and done with, let's get on with something vaguely more interesting. I just decided now that I'm going to do a thing on Justin Bieber and it's probably going to shit because it's six in the morning and I've been up all night watching stupid shit online. I watched a really nice film actually, 'Come On Eileen' but anyway.
     I very, very strongly dislike Justin Bieber, just to get that out there, not for his music or anything like that. His music isn't particularly good but it doesn't make him deservant (I really hope that's a real word) of my disdain. I don't like him because of his stupidity, there are so many things he's done that are just ridiculously stupid and also he basically brainwashes his fans to think what he thinks, he's against abortion (which makes me like him even less) but fine have stupid views if you want but don't use your fame to make people adopt your views he said, I'm not sure of the exact quote but it was something like this, "I'm against abortion so my fans should be too" that's just nasty because a lot of his fans are very influential teenage girls who would believe anything he says, I'm done with that now though, it's not quite what I wanted to write about today.
     I wanted to write about his fans, probably the most dangerous fan base around at the moment. I mean One Direction are mostly harmless there's been no big scandals about them or their fans as far as I know ('cept the fact that one of them likes older women but who cares). Justin Bieber on the other hand has had drug scandals, which to be honest I really don't care about. It's his fans reaction to them, I'm going to presume you heard of 'cut for bieber' probably the stupidest, no scratch that, most certainly the stupidest thing I've seen done, these girls (majority girls anyway) decided that ''Ooh, I'm going to help Justin through his 'tough' times by cutting myself and posting pictures to Twitter and Facebook." Firstly I don't understand why this is supposed to help Bieber through his drug addiction or whatever it is. Presuming he knows about this whole 'cut for Bieber' thing it's really just putting huge pressure on him not to fuck up. I mean if you were his age wanting to have fun or whatever it is he wants from it imagine having the pressure of knowing if you do get a little bit, just for the laugh or something and people find out, thousands of teenagers will harm themselves. So there's this to go against the fans and there is so much more. There's the ridiculous jealousy they have of him visiting people. He visited someone who was dying of cancer or something like that and loads of his fans were outraged that he visited her not them, likewise when he visited the Anne Frank Huis he got girls saying that 'why does she get a visit she isn't even that special' (him writing in the guest book that Anne Frank would've been a belieber is a whole other story). I'm not going to go on because honestly he's not worth the time, I can't even be arsed to edit this, I'll do a quick spell check and then I'm posting.
     I'm tired and cranky right now so it may well be that when I wake up a bit more later in the day I'll take this down or something, I dunno. Weronika hasn't been on for ages either, I don't know her reasons for it, probably more interesting than mine but I haven't really talked to her in the last few weeks, she's busy with Poland and I'm getting into loads of bad moods because I'm spending the majority of my day sitting on my laptop avoiding leaving my room because I know I'll get given out to for being on the laptop while I should be unpacking so I'm fairly stuck in my room full of boxes right now. So yeah, sorry about this shit stuff, I felt pissed and needed to get it out somehow. (You have no idea how many times I misspelled Bieber in this thing)
     Anyways, ciao,