Wednesday, 20 November 2013

It's after 6am, oh shit

     Exam week this week, fun! (Not really, unless you're Weronika who got extremely jealous that I have exams). My approach to exams is probably not the best approach there is... Not by a long shot, I had yesterday off so I probably should have studied but I spent most of my daytime hours getting lyrics for the 250 odd songs in my library without lyrics (I'm down to seven songs without lyrics which is a huge difference). Also a fair amount of Tumblring? Tumbling? I don't know, must ask Alex, she spends even more time on Tumblr than I do she has to know. I get away with not studying for most my exams (all honours grades with no study in the Junior Cert) but that combined with not sleeping is a bad thing. I didn't mean to not sleep, it just kinda happened. I was on the laptop and suddenly it was quarter to five so I decided at that point if I go to sleep now I'll get four hours and that's plenty. Then inspiration struck and I acted on it immediately and then BAM! It's half 6. 
Pretty much all of the last 24 hours was done with Shangri La playing rather loudly, as were the last four and a half days. I know the album pretty well now. 
So I'm gonna go try and sleep, I might get three hours if I sleep now (with Shangri La playing of course). 
Good night or good morning or whatever,

Sunday, 17 November 2013

My wrist is fucked

So my wrist, it's pretty fucked up. The doctors still aren't sure what it is apparently which is a little bit ridiculous at this stage. They thought they knew what it was but that still didn't explain a few things and when I went back they told me something different again. I've had four different doctors now each with different opinions, the first three slightly unsure of what it was the last pretty confident so I'm gonna go with her view. She took one look at the lump on my hand and knew immediately that it's a Ganglion Cyst which makes somewhat ridiculous that the other three didn't know what it was especially since everyone I've told seems to know what it is. A Ganglion Cyst is basically a bubble of synovial fluid (the stuff between your bones) which is thicker than usual, they can swell up to the size of a plum and are typically right where mine is though they can be in other places too. They're pretty harmless unless they're pressing down on a nerve in which case you really need to get rid of them. The traditional cure is smashing it with the family bible but since we don't have a bible and I'm really not willing to get someone to smash a book onto my hand the other option is to get operated which is not nice. It is only a fairly minor operation though. That's not necessarily what's wrong with it though (I think it is, it makes most sense). The other two options are torn ligament (which would really be cured by now so probably not) or tissue damage (which would cause pain in any other than where I was kicked but I have pain all down my wrist so again, probably not). That leaves the, in my opinion, worst option. I think Weronika is actually starting to feel slightly guilty (and also pretty proud cos her crush and various other people who's approval she seeks are impressed by her "strength" or something like that, I'm not too happy about that one)

Celebrity Influence

     So I thought I posted this, I wrote it and published it a few months ago but since I'm using the app it doesn't always publish and I don't notice that unless I look at the post again which I really don't usually do but I was bored so I did and happened to notice this, so here goes.
     I don't listen to pop much, some pop from the 60's and 70's but nothing much. I can name a few modern celebrities but honestly I just don't care about them. They're just people who get famous on minimal amount of talent and a lot of money, usually. I'm not saying this is always the case at all, some celebrities are, in fact, amazingly talented, I would name one but I don't know really. What pisses me off about celebrities is that some, not all, just a few, of them use their fame to influence people to have their views like Beiber about the abortion thing (see my rant about him) and various others who, again, I can't name. People like One Direction, for example, are pretty harmless as far as I know, they're just a boy band who are completely manufactured for the media of teenage girls between about 10 and 20 y/o. I'm not saying that only celebrities like these do it, in sure loads of great bands out there who try to force their ideas upon their fans. So, sure this might just be me whining about pop culture again but these celebrities are always being filmed or photographed so they should try be somewhat responsible with what they say. I very much doubt that there are all that many grunge bands or punk bands with as big a following as, say, Beiber or 1D do. This mainly because the media is only interested in these pop artists who bring in a lot of money for them. I dunno, I guess that's me now, please remember that I'm sick so if this isn't very coherent it might because of that.

Shangri La!!!

So I got the date wrong, Jake Bugg's new album didn't come out on Monday the 18th cos I'm listening to it now and it's Sunday. Clearly it came out on Friday or something, which does make a little bit more sense. I went into HMV on Saturday and it was there whic made me very happy. I'm not a hundred prevent sure about my thoughts on it yet, I mean I do like it a lot but there's a few songs there that I'm not sure about... Maybe they'll grow on me, maybe they won't. Either way there are some brilliant songs on it and I've listened to it a total of seven times since I got home yesterday evening, much to my dad's distaste. He does like the first album but he's much more skeptical about this one which is a shame but I don't care that much cos I do actually really like it.
There's the cover. 
I'm in a really good mood now. 
Anyway gonna go now,

Thursday, 14 November 2013


I forgot about this again, I've just gotten out of the habit of posting on this so I don't, also my hand. I discovered that it may not be a torn ligament but rather tissue damage and a Ganglion Cyst (which sounds worse to be honest). Also I've got exams coming up (they start tomorrow, actually today, I should really get some sleep... Interesting things that are happening for me, let's see, in chronological order; Jake Bugg's new album: Doctor Who 50th anniversary special: vague and fairly improbable possibility of seeing the Strypes again. Other than that my life right now contains school, hospital visits and a dentist's appointment on Thursday. I'm getting an MRI done soon (which I thought were just for brains or something). I'm also back in the world of the internet which is possibly not so good. I finished season 2 of Supernatural about 3 or 4 hours ago. 
That's my life recently in various disjointed sentences. I will eventually do a post about IDWcon2013 which was meant to be posted a while ago. I think it's time for bed now so goodnight.

Friday, 8 November 2013


So, I haven't written anything in almost a month, I know, I've been abandoning this and I am sorry. I have a valid excuse (a few of them but mainly just one). The major one is that I've torn a ligament in my hand (thanks Weronika). Because of this I can only use one hand which makes typing very difficult, I actually haven't been on the laptop for over a week. I'm on pain meds and have my hand in a sling and hopefully it'll get better in the next few weeks, the various other excuses I'm going to post in the next few days. Also any mistakes in this (and all the posts to come in the next few weeks) can be blamed on the hand. I am sincerely sorry about not going on the blog and realised I really didn't have anything better to do during accounting class, although my teachers voice is pretty dustracting so if this doesn't make sense blame her. So, I'm off now. 