Tuesday 15 July 2014

Teenage Stress Rant

     I'm going to start this with I'm probably not going to college, maybe I will a few years after school is finished but I have very little interest in going at the moment. I'm in 5th year which means I  have less than a year and a half until college time, about a year to make the decisions of what I want to do in college, that is I would have if I wasn't repeating the year. So in this final year before college applications have to be in, which is quite a daunting thought, the idea of having to choose your future at the age of 16 or 17, we have to go through a whole lot of college talk, like shitloads, last week we had 'careers day' in which 40 speakers almost all from various colleges around Dublin (some were reps for the college, others pupils, past and present) came into us and talked mainly about how amazing such-and-such college was and how diverse it was in courses or how fascinating such-and-such course is, today we went to UCD campus and had a talk and a tour there and it was a pleasant enough day. BUT I AM SO FUCKING SICK OF HEARING ABOUT FUCKING COLLEGE, I AM SIXTEEN YEARS OLD, THIS IS NOT MEANT TO BE WHAT I GIVE A FUCK ABOUT RIGHT NOW. This is when we're meant to be enjoying ourselves, they say that these are the best years of our lives, I doubt the truth in that, the stress we're put under is absolutely ridiculous, I'm not overly prone to getting stressed out but this year I've been so stressed that there have been times that I couldn't cope any more, most of those times I just stayed home or whatever and got suspended when I got caught, the work was easier than in class, it actually isn't that bad, I mean you have to sit in one place and do the booklets you get given in the morning but they don't actually check so you do what you want mainly (this is internal suspension btw, I had to stay in school)

     I found this in my drafts from a couple months ago when I last got suspended (around Easter I do believe), I have begun to change my mind about going to college now but this is still extremely relevant. It's unfinished but I'm not pissed of enough to rant about it so this what you're getting, I've only skimmed through it so there may be unfinished points throughout and for that I do apologize but I don't care enough to fix them.

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