Thursday, 3 October 2013

In Defence of Jake Bugg

     There's some scandal about Jake Bugg which is basically (from what I saw on Tumblr) that he had sex with some fans of his, which I agree isn't the most amazing thing he could've done, but it is his choice and I'm pretty certain the girls definitely not objecting (why would you),  so why is this a scandal? Why are people making such a big fucking deal out of something like that? I mean think about, if there were hundreds upon hundreds of attractive people of the gender you're interested in (dunno of you're a girl or guy and then you could also be gay, I'm keeping the options open) declaring their love for you and throwing themselves at you, you'd find it hard to resist. Also he's 19 from my knowledge of teenagers they tend to be horny a lot [even more so the older they are, as in teenage-wise(does that make sense?)], I mean I know I am (god, I hope this won't be the time a parent or family member decides that they should look at the blog). So Jake Bugg is a teenager with a sex drive who fucked a few girls who were, as far as I know, about his age. Whatever, who gives a fuck, it's just stupid shit that's completely irrelevant to your life and doesn't actually matter. Sure there'll be a few idiots who complain about it but I don't care, not really. So, why the fuck am I writing this post then? Because of the fucking idiots that say stuff like 'I try not to let it bother me but I can't help but feel this sense of disgust when I listen to his music now' and other shit like that. I mean that's just bullshit, seriously think about it, why the fuck do his actions have any effect on his music (which is bloody amazing). I'm going to use Justin Bieber (I spelled that wrong again but apparently the iPhone can spell it now) as an example, I hate him as a person because he's a jerk and tries to force his beliefs on his fans ['I believe abortion is wrong and think all my fans should think so too', it's not word for word what he said but pretty much it (I can't remember quotes that well)] but his music are of no consequence to me, same as One Direction, I don't give a shot about th and I find their music vaguely annoying but they have nothing to do with me. So Jake Bugg, you either like his music, or you don't, simple as that. You could hate him as a person and be absolutely in love with his music and to be honest he probably doesn't give a shit if you don't like him. So just get the fuck off my dash with your bullshit. 
     Also I can't help but wonder how this came out, did the girls boast about it online or something? I kinda doubt he did it himself and I guess it'd be a pretty big bragging right to have but could you not just do it among your friends rather than put it on the internet where anyone can find it and blow it out of proportion like was done here, I mean come on. Didn't they see this coming? Whatever, I'm done, I'm just gonna ignore the bullshit, got me pretty pissed off though, needed to rant a little. So I'll leave you with a picture of the lovely Jake Bugg. 

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