Sunday, 23 June 2013

My Change

     I wanted to take a moment to talk about something serious-ish. Being a teenager I change quite a lot and I'm still developing my opinions and stuff like that. I've gone through different types of changes, some small and some big. Some of my changes occurred through phases.
     Some of my changes were in music taste and "musicians". For example, One Direction. I used to, like I did for many others, despise them and wish them death. Now, I don't hate them because I don't actually know them. Sure I don't like the music they play and I don't listen to them but if someone likes them, I'm ok with that. Although, my hate for crazed fan girls remains. I don't have anything against the pop stars but some of their fan girls really get on my nerves. That's one example of a small change.
      A big change would be that I've matured quite clearly if you compare me from two years ago and present day me. I'm actually capable of talking about serious topics. As well as that, I think I've matured when it comes to relationships with people and my attitude towards things. Sure I might over react and get angry or something right after something serious happens but don't we all have those moments. Anyway, nowadays I can control it more and those moments don't last long. I'd say I have a pretty mature attitude towards most things too. I'm not that stupid, immature girl I used to be and I'm proud of that.
      I also experience phases. One of my biggest and longest ones was my 'tough' phase. This phase helped me interact with guys and I was pretty much thought of as one of them. During this phase I was a tomboy and enjoyed the occasional small fight or arm wrestling match. I never wore dresses or skirts and despised the colour pink. A big part of this phase was not showing emotions. I would only ever look happy, I wouldn't show sadness or pain because I just thought of it as a weakness. I never hugged people and was convinced love doesn't exist. Another thing was that I refused to cry, even when I was alone.
     It's funny how now I'm almost the exact opposite. I love wearing dresses, I don't fight or arm wrestle anymore (although that's probably because I'd suck at it now) I show emotions and tend to over exaggerate them, although I still keep some feelings to myself, but when I'm with friends I usually don't hide my emotions. I love hugging people and do it every chance I get. I've changed my mind about love and think it exists, I admit to loving quite a few people myself. Finally, while I still avoid crying, I don't stop myself from doing it. I find that I tend to tear up easily during movies nowadays, which is quite annoying. When I do cry though, I do it when I'm alone or occasionally with Ruska there.
     I won't continue on because it would take too long, but I just want to say that I'm happy with the way I've changed.
     Goodbye my munchkins,
     Your master, Weronika

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