I've been here a few days now, well two days anyway. We're staying in this little lakeside village called Lierna, my dad's friend has a place here, she's away for the summer and is letting us stay. I've never actually met her but she seems really cool judging from her house. She has a little statue of a Hungarian Horntail (the dragon Harry Potter faces in the Goblet of Fire). Her place is awesome, bar the giant spiders that occasionally crawl over you in your sleep. It's got a magnificent view, of which I'll include a picture at the bottom. The only problem with this place is that it's about halfway up a very steep mountain. It's quite a trek to get up here but at least I'm probably not going to get fat on this holiday, no matter how much nice Italian food I eat. It's kinda sad though cos the day I come back Weronika's cousin arrives meaning I'm not going to see Weronika until she comes back from Poland, a few days before my birthday (late August). It's probably the longest time we've been apart since we became such close friends and it's a shame but what can you do, I'm sure we'll manage to survive. Sure I have people to hang out with in Ireland and I'm going to Finland for a few weeks too (yay). I'm going to Milan later today which I'm looking forward to, we're meeting one of my dad's friends there.
Goodbye my munchkins,
The view from the balcony, very picturesque. Like something you would see on a post card, not in real life.
I'm wasting my time on the internet and I've no life, but hey neither do you :D
Sunday, 30 June 2013
Thursday, 27 June 2013
I’m sitting on a
Boeing 737 on my way to Bergamo airport. I’m going to Italy for a week, my
dad’s going to stay for a month but is planning to spend much of his time
working, now that to me doesn’t seem to make sense, who decides to go to a nice
holiday location and instead of spending their time there taking in the sun and
relaxing before returning to wet and miserable Ireland, spending that time
cooped up inside with a pile of papers and a laptop. I do understand the idea
of trying to get away from people and distractions for a while but he’s going
to a beach and one of his friends doesn’t live far away from where we’re going,
in Milan. It just doesn’t seem logical, but hey, I’m not complaining I get a
holiday to Italy out of it. We’re flying in on Ryanair but I can’t on my way
back because I’m still, just, under 16. This makes me ridiculously happy
because I hate Ryanair with all my heart, almost all other airlines, at least
pretend to, care. I could give you a never ending list of reasons on why I hate
Ryanair but they’re not worth my time. I quite enjoy flying but not with
Ryanair. I love Scandinavian Airlines and no, it’s not just because I’m from
Scandanavia, it’s because they’re pleasant to fly with, no stress really and
when we were stranded because of snow a few years ago they sent us to a 4 or 5
star hotel until we could fly again. SAS are more expensive but I think it’s
worth it. We’ll see what I think when the moneys coming out of my own pocket
but at the moment that’s my opinion. I’m going to head now and read a book or
something, the laptop is about to die. I’m not sure when I’m going to have
internet access so it might take a few days to post this.
Goodbye my munchkins,
Break up
So on Friday the 21st of June at 16:08 my kind of (kind of because we were never properly together) boyfriend broke up with me. His name is Jack and to be honest, he is amazing. I'm not exactly sure what we were but it was good (at least in my opinion).
He broke up with me over Facebook, which even though is thought of as the asshole way to do it, I didn't mind. In fact it was great, I won't get into why but it was. His reason for it was that the emotions between us weren't as strong as they used to be and that's a legitimate reason. He did it nicely and I guess you could say that he did everything right.
I on the other hand probably didn't. Of course, me being me, I over reacted, causing me to be quite harsh (which I regret). I think I was the harshest when he said sorry. Even though I still think he had no reason to apologise, I could have put it in a nicer way than I did.
My reaction to the whole thing still confuses me. For like the first five minutes I was angry, sad and, even though I hate to admit it, I cried. However, after the first five minutes or so, I calmed down and for some reason (still unknown to me) I was happy. I loved him (and still do) but I didn't take it as badly as I thought I would and I'm not sure whether that's a good thing. To be honest, I can find way more good things about the whole thing than bad things. We agreed to stay friends which I hope will work.
Now some of the reactions of people I told were pretty funny. My cousin went on a big rant saying he is stupid and an asshole. I had to stop her because it's totally not true. After disagreeing with her, telling her how amazing he is and that I'm not mad at him, she started a new rant. She was saying that I think too highly of people, that I'm too mature and that I should be mad. I found it quite funny and ended up laughing at what she said. While the majority of my guy friends talked about ways to kill him and offered to beat him up. I didn't take them up on that offer and don't plan on doing so.
All in all, I think I took the whole thing better than most of my friends, which is quite funny. I'm not sure why I took it as well as I did, but oh well.
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
He broke up with me over Facebook, which even though is thought of as the asshole way to do it, I didn't mind. In fact it was great, I won't get into why but it was. His reason for it was that the emotions between us weren't as strong as they used to be and that's a legitimate reason. He did it nicely and I guess you could say that he did everything right.
I on the other hand probably didn't. Of course, me being me, I over reacted, causing me to be quite harsh (which I regret). I think I was the harshest when he said sorry. Even though I still think he had no reason to apologise, I could have put it in a nicer way than I did.
My reaction to the whole thing still confuses me. For like the first five minutes I was angry, sad and, even though I hate to admit it, I cried. However, after the first five minutes or so, I calmed down and for some reason (still unknown to me) I was happy. I loved him (and still do) but I didn't take it as badly as I thought I would and I'm not sure whether that's a good thing. To be honest, I can find way more good things about the whole thing than bad things. We agreed to stay friends which I hope will work.
Now some of the reactions of people I told were pretty funny. My cousin went on a big rant saying he is stupid and an asshole. I had to stop her because it's totally not true. After disagreeing with her, telling her how amazing he is and that I'm not mad at him, she started a new rant. She was saying that I think too highly of people, that I'm too mature and that I should be mad. I found it quite funny and ended up laughing at what she said. While the majority of my guy friends talked about ways to kill him and offered to beat him up. I didn't take them up on that offer and don't plan on doing so.
All in all, I think I took the whole thing better than most of my friends, which is quite funny. I'm not sure why I took it as well as I did, but oh well.
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Hello munchkins, I just wanted to share my sadness with you. Ruska went to Italy today, leaving me Ruska-less for a week. I'm going to be all lonely now without her (we can't last a day without each other). Usually we'd be talking by now but now I have no one to talk to, so now I'm quite bored. Well that's about it, off to find entertainment I go.
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
Sunday, 23 June 2013
My Change
I wanted to take a moment to talk about something serious-ish. Being a teenager I change quite a lot and I'm still developing my opinions and stuff like that. I've gone through different types of changes, some small and some big. Some of my changes occurred through phases.
Some of my changes were in music taste and "musicians". For example, One Direction. I used to, like I did for many others, despise them and wish them death. Now, I don't hate them because I don't actually know them. Sure I don't like the music they play and I don't listen to them but if someone likes them, I'm ok with that. Although, my hate for crazed fan girls remains. I don't have anything against the pop stars but some of their fan girls really get on my nerves. That's one example of a small change.
A big change would be that I've matured quite clearly if you compare me from two years ago and present day me. I'm actually capable of talking about serious topics. As well as that, I think I've matured when it comes to relationships with people and my attitude towards things. Sure I might over react and get angry or something right after something serious happens but don't we all have those moments. Anyway, nowadays I can control it more and those moments don't last long. I'd say I have a pretty mature attitude towards most things too. I'm not that stupid, immature girl I used to be and I'm proud of that.
I also experience phases. One of my biggest and longest ones was my 'tough' phase. This phase helped me interact with guys and I was pretty much thought of as one of them. During this phase I was a tomboy and enjoyed the occasional small fight or arm wrestling match. I never wore dresses or skirts and despised the colour pink. A big part of this phase was not showing emotions. I would only ever look happy, I wouldn't show sadness or pain because I just thought of it as a weakness. I never hugged people and was convinced love doesn't exist. Another thing was that I refused to cry, even when I was alone.
It's funny how now I'm almost the exact opposite. I love wearing dresses, I don't fight or arm wrestle anymore (although that's probably because I'd suck at it now) I show emotions and tend to over exaggerate them, although I still keep some feelings to myself, but when I'm with friends I usually don't hide my emotions. I love hugging people and do it every chance I get. I've changed my mind about love and think it exists, I admit to loving quite a few people myself. Finally, while I still avoid crying, I don't stop myself from doing it. I find that I tend to tear up easily during movies nowadays, which is quite annoying. When I do cry though, I do it when I'm alone or occasionally with Ruska there.
I won't continue on because it would take too long, but I just want to say that I'm happy with the way I've changed.
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
Some of my changes were in music taste and "musicians". For example, One Direction. I used to, like I did for many others, despise them and wish them death. Now, I don't hate them because I don't actually know them. Sure I don't like the music they play and I don't listen to them but if someone likes them, I'm ok with that. Although, my hate for crazed fan girls remains. I don't have anything against the pop stars but some of their fan girls really get on my nerves. That's one example of a small change.
A big change would be that I've matured quite clearly if you compare me from two years ago and present day me. I'm actually capable of talking about serious topics. As well as that, I think I've matured when it comes to relationships with people and my attitude towards things. Sure I might over react and get angry or something right after something serious happens but don't we all have those moments. Anyway, nowadays I can control it more and those moments don't last long. I'd say I have a pretty mature attitude towards most things too. I'm not that stupid, immature girl I used to be and I'm proud of that.
I also experience phases. One of my biggest and longest ones was my 'tough' phase. This phase helped me interact with guys and I was pretty much thought of as one of them. During this phase I was a tomboy and enjoyed the occasional small fight or arm wrestling match. I never wore dresses or skirts and despised the colour pink. A big part of this phase was not showing emotions. I would only ever look happy, I wouldn't show sadness or pain because I just thought of it as a weakness. I never hugged people and was convinced love doesn't exist. Another thing was that I refused to cry, even when I was alone.
It's funny how now I'm almost the exact opposite. I love wearing dresses, I don't fight or arm wrestle anymore (although that's probably because I'd suck at it now) I show emotions and tend to over exaggerate them, although I still keep some feelings to myself, but when I'm with friends I usually don't hide my emotions. I love hugging people and do it every chance I get. I've changed my mind about love and think it exists, I admit to loving quite a few people myself. Finally, while I still avoid crying, I don't stop myself from doing it. I find that I tend to tear up easily during movies nowadays, which is quite annoying. When I do cry though, I do it when I'm alone or occasionally with Ruska there.
I won't continue on because it would take too long, but I just want to say that I'm happy with the way I've changed.
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
Saturday, 22 June 2013
Sleepver part II
So the sleepover on Wednesday went well. Pineapple's dog, Barley, is amazing, we got pizza, we watched movies, played truth or dare and just talked.
At one stage I was told to stop talking until the pizza came, so me being me I didn't talk at all and continued not to talk even when I could. Of course this didn't go to well as the girls just had to make me talk. At one stage we were kind of fighting, three of them against me and I was still winning. Eventually I talked though and everything was fine from then.
We watched two movies, Back to the Future and Mean Girls, neither of which I've ever seen before. Ruska forced us to watch Back to the Future because both Pineapple and I have haven't seen it and Pineapple wanted me to watch Mean girls because I haven't seen that either. Surprisingly enough, Mean Girls caused us to have a very serious conversation. Both movies were good and we got popcorn so I was happy.
Truth or dare was what I wanted to do. I always want to play but the girls always say it's a game for sleepovers after midnight, so after midnight we played truth or dare. Us being us, we mostly did truths but they were fun to do. However there was also the occasional dare. The one that will stay in my memory is me having to flirt with a chair. I have never been so shy in my life, I literally couldn't even look at the chair, I eventually did it even though it was done really badly.
We eventually fell asleep at 6 am. Pineapple and I on the couch in a very comfortable position and Ruska half on the mattress, half on the floor, in a position that looked really painful. Ruska fell asleep first!!!
It was a really fun night and a great way to celebrate the end of the exams, I'd love to do it again.
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
At one stage I was told to stop talking until the pizza came, so me being me I didn't talk at all and continued not to talk even when I could. Of course this didn't go to well as the girls just had to make me talk. At one stage we were kind of fighting, three of them against me and I was still winning. Eventually I talked though and everything was fine from then.
We watched two movies, Back to the Future and Mean Girls, neither of which I've ever seen before. Ruska forced us to watch Back to the Future because both Pineapple and I have haven't seen it and Pineapple wanted me to watch Mean girls because I haven't seen that either. Surprisingly enough, Mean Girls caused us to have a very serious conversation. Both movies were good and we got popcorn so I was happy.
Truth or dare was what I wanted to do. I always want to play but the girls always say it's a game for sleepovers after midnight, so after midnight we played truth or dare. Us being us, we mostly did truths but they were fun to do. However there was also the occasional dare. The one that will stay in my memory is me having to flirt with a chair. I have never been so shy in my life, I literally couldn't even look at the chair, I eventually did it even though it was done really badly.
We eventually fell asleep at 6 am. Pineapple and I on the couch in a very comfortable position and Ruska half on the mattress, half on the floor, in a position that looked really painful. Ruska fell asleep first!!!
It was a really fun night and a great way to celebrate the end of the exams, I'd love to do it again.
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
My Exams Are Over!!! (And Other Stuff That's Going On)
So on Wednesday I had my final exam, it was in music and was easy enough. I'm not worried about my results, even though I didn't study I'm sure I passed everything and probably about half of them with an honours grade. I don't really care how I did, it's only the Junior Cert which is completely irrelevant to anything, unless I want to go to college in the UK which I don't. We had a sleepover in celebration of the end of the exams, as you know if you read Weronika's most recent post (and managed to understand what she was saying with all of her fruity nicknames). That was fun, I got them to watch Back to the Future, which neither Weronika or Alex had seen before. We also forced Weronika to watch Mean Girls for the first time. We had a great time, well I did anyway, I dunno about the others.
I'm going to Italy next Tuesday and probably won't see Weronika until she comes back from Poland in August. It's quite sad, I'm not sure what I'm going to do without Weronika almost always here but we do have Skype. I'm going to miss her but I've got a busy summer up ahead, well fairly busy anyway so it'll fly by. My hand is almost better so I can type properly again.
I really don't know what else to say so I'm going to stop now...
Goodbye my munchkins,
I'm going to Italy next Tuesday and probably won't see Weronika until she comes back from Poland in August. It's quite sad, I'm not sure what I'm going to do without Weronika almost always here but we do have Skype. I'm going to miss her but I've got a busy summer up ahead, well fairly busy anyway so it'll fly by. My hand is almost better so I can type properly again.
I really don't know what else to say so I'm going to stop now...
Goodbye my munchkins,
Wednesday, 19 June 2013
Boo!! We are preparing to go to a sleepover at pineapple's house! And coconut will be there and we'll have pizza and we'll watch movies. I'm going to force them to play truth or dare with me too! They never want to play, saying 'It's a game for after midnihgt', so a minute past midnight I SHALL MAKE THEM PLAY!!! Although Ruska is awful at it, she refuses to do dares and can't make them up either, it's just ugh. Anyway, we'll have tons of fun and hopefully won't sleep at all. Wish us luck!
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
Monday, 17 June 2013
Leaving Exams Early
This had to be done at some stage, this being a small rant about leaving exams early. I finished every single one of my exams early, some with five minutes to spare and some with over half an hour, so naturally, when I was finished I left to avoid sitting in an exam centre doing nothing for ages. Legally we're allowed to leave our exams between the first half an hour of the exam and the last ten minutes, we were told this by the superintendent. However, the teachers in my school have all told us we're not allowed to leave the exams early and shouldn't even think about it. Though they can't physically make us stay until the end of the exam, two of the teachers have made it their life mission to patrol the corridors and give out to any students that left early.
The whole cause of this post however, was the talk Ms. McDonough gave students that left early one day (this includes me and Ruska). We, along with other students who left the first exam early, were in the canteen waiting for the next one. Of course we were making a fair bit of noise, which led Ms. McDonough to walk in and I tell you, when she saw all of us, she was furious. She gave out to us asking how dare we leave the exam early, she went on to say that she is appalled by the amount of us that did so and basically threatened anyone who thought of leaving the next exam (which was religion) early. Now I get it that leaving the exam right after the first half an hour is not the best idea, but when we have a two and a half hour exam which is easy and finish early, then why not leave if we can? I get the whole idea of checking over your exam when you're done (even though I don't do it myself) but they can hardly expect us to check it over and over and over again for twenty minutes (which Ms. McDonagh apparently does). Ms. McDonough pretty much called us idiots for leaving early, well if I didn't leave early it's not like I'd read over the exam a million times anyway, I would just sit and stare at the wall. Also, I'd say I'm quite smart, which is why I left the exam early, I knew the answers so I wrote them down without needing a long time to think of them, so I'm offended that she called me and idiot. If I remember correctly she finished of with saying 'Don't let me catch you out of that religion exam early'. Of course it being religion and me being smart, I left the religion exam early and ended up getting given out to by Ms. McDonough and the other teacher patrolling the halls. I didn't mind that though, the thing I did mind was the pouring rain outside and the fact that I couldn't find Ruska anywhere (we agreed to leave early and meet outside the school along with our friend Alex). Now, I thought that Ruska is smart and there is no way she would stand in the rain so I pretty much searched the whole school looking for her, while Alex waited at the doors (I couldn't even call her because she took mine and Alex's stuff with her). We eventually found her and guess where she was, outside in the rain. Nice Ruska, very nice.
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
So I totally agree with Weronika about leaving exams early, which I did for almost all of my exams. I feel guilty leaving the exam until there's only half an hour left so I was fairly regularly left sitting staring blankly at a wall for a good chunk of time. I think that Ms McDonough was totally out of line in telling us off for leaving early but whatever, I don't really care that much. She can't do anything about it so let her have her stupid rants and just ignore them. On the me waiting for Weronika and Alex in the rain, we arranged to meet outside and I got out of the exam well before they did and went outside. At this point it was still sunny outside and once it started raining I just ran for shelter instead of going inside where I would probably get given out to by Ms McDonough or Darina (the other person doing the giving out)
Goodbye my munchkins,
The whole cause of this post however, was the talk Ms. McDonough gave students that left early one day (this includes me and Ruska). We, along with other students who left the first exam early, were in the canteen waiting for the next one. Of course we were making a fair bit of noise, which led Ms. McDonough to walk in and I tell you, when she saw all of us, she was furious. She gave out to us asking how dare we leave the exam early, she went on to say that she is appalled by the amount of us that did so and basically threatened anyone who thought of leaving the next exam (which was religion) early. Now I get it that leaving the exam right after the first half an hour is not the best idea, but when we have a two and a half hour exam which is easy and finish early, then why not leave if we can? I get the whole idea of checking over your exam when you're done (even though I don't do it myself) but they can hardly expect us to check it over and over and over again for twenty minutes (which Ms. McDonagh apparently does). Ms. McDonough pretty much called us idiots for leaving early, well if I didn't leave early it's not like I'd read over the exam a million times anyway, I would just sit and stare at the wall. Also, I'd say I'm quite smart, which is why I left the exam early, I knew the answers so I wrote them down without needing a long time to think of them, so I'm offended that she called me and idiot. If I remember correctly she finished of with saying 'Don't let me catch you out of that religion exam early'. Of course it being religion and me being smart, I left the religion exam early and ended up getting given out to by Ms. McDonough and the other teacher patrolling the halls. I didn't mind that though, the thing I did mind was the pouring rain outside and the fact that I couldn't find Ruska anywhere (we agreed to leave early and meet outside the school along with our friend Alex). Now, I thought that Ruska is smart and there is no way she would stand in the rain so I pretty much searched the whole school looking for her, while Alex waited at the doors (I couldn't even call her because she took mine and Alex's stuff with her). We eventually found her and guess where she was, outside in the rain. Nice Ruska, very nice.
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
So I totally agree with Weronika about leaving exams early, which I did for almost all of my exams. I feel guilty leaving the exam until there's only half an hour left so I was fairly regularly left sitting staring blankly at a wall for a good chunk of time. I think that Ms McDonough was totally out of line in telling us off for leaving early but whatever, I don't really care that much. She can't do anything about it so let her have her stupid rants and just ignore them. On the me waiting for Weronika and Alex in the rain, we arranged to meet outside and I got out of the exam well before they did and went outside. At this point it was still sunny outside and once it started raining I just ran for shelter instead of going inside where I would probably get given out to by Ms McDonough or Darina (the other person doing the giving out)
Goodbye my munchkins,
Sunday, 16 June 2013
The End of the Series of Teachers
Our series of teachers have come to an end now that we've run out of teachers to write about that actually thought us this year. (Even though I'd love to talk about the best looking teacher ever known as Mr. O'Meara) Hope you enjoyed our little series thing and if not, too bad and remember if you're going to complain tell us what we can improve. Stay tuned for other series things that we might make.
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
I got bored of the series half-way through, once I'd done all my rants and the only teachers left were ones that didn't affect me that much, either negatively or positively. I only kept doing it because Weronika kept bugging me to do it, so if my stuff gets boring at any point it probably means that it's where I got bored so sorry that you had to read my rubbish, if you bothered that is.
Goodbye my munchkins,
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
I got bored of the series half-way through, once I'd done all my rants and the only teachers left were ones that didn't affect me that much, either negatively or positively. I only kept doing it because Weronika kept bugging me to do it, so if my stuff gets boring at any point it probably means that it's where I got bored so sorry that you had to read my rubbish, if you bothered that is.
Goodbye my munchkins,
Ms. Callaghan
Ms. Callaghan, often called Ms. O'Callaghan, was also a replacement for Ms. Costello but also a replacement for our CSPE teacher Ms. Guinanne who was a student teacher. She replaced Ms. Costello in religion and Ms. Guinanne in CSPE obviously. I think she was mostly a good teacher, I don't count either of the two as proper subjects but she made class pretty interesting, even though I did homework during them. I don't like religion but didn't mind it with her. The only bad thing about her really is that she was overly stressed with our projects, making us really stressed too. I didn't have to worry because I finished mine fairly quickly, although there were other people that took longer and were put under a lot of pressure because she missed two of our classes. All in all though, she was a good teacher, even if what she taught us was religion and CSPE.
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
So I can't be bothered to write a big thing on Ms. Callaghan but I'll just tell you a little story about her. I was telling one of my friends, Bobo, that I was going to get my hair cut soon and her response was "Fine, just don't let your mum do it, because last time she did you looked like you were in the Hitler youth" which is true and I began to agree with her. I was interrupted when Ms. Callaghan burst out laughing at the comment as she passed behind us.
Goodbye my munchkins,
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
So I can't be bothered to write a big thing on Ms. Callaghan but I'll just tell you a little story about her. I was telling one of my friends, Bobo, that I was going to get my hair cut soon and her response was "Fine, just don't let your mum do it, because last time she did you looked like you were in the Hitler youth" which is true and I began to agree with her. I was interrupted when Ms. Callaghan burst out laughing at the comment as she passed behind us.
Goodbye my munchkins,
Friday, 14 June 2013
Junior Cert- The End
Today was officially the end of my Junior Cert (although Ruska still has an exam to go). I must say the exams were easy, especially compared to the mocks. I'm glad they're over now and my holidays have begun, I can relax and don't have to think about school at all. But at the same time, I'm also sad. The end of the Junior Cert signifies the end of third year, the end of my last year with Ruska in my year and the end of school (which I'll honestly miss). I love the summer holidays but I'll miss all my teachers and friends which I won't see for two months (I'm going away) and might not be able to see as much as I would like. On the bright side, I'll see my family and friends back in Poland.
Now, I'd like to talk about a very serious issue. Why is the weather so bad now that I finished my exams?!! During the exams it was warm and sunny, the weather was truly amazing, something which is very rare in Ireland. The day of my last exam, it's windy, cold and it's raining, so typical Irish weather. It's as if the weather is against us, always being great when we're in school and as soon as we finish it decides to be a bitch. Hopefully it will get better tomorrow.
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
P.S. There was an issue with leaving exams early which Ruska and I will write about soon if you're interested.
Now, I'd like to talk about a very serious issue. Why is the weather so bad now that I finished my exams?!! During the exams it was warm and sunny, the weather was truly amazing, something which is very rare in Ireland. The day of my last exam, it's windy, cold and it's raining, so typical Irish weather. It's as if the weather is against us, always being great when we're in school and as soon as we finish it decides to be a bitch. Hopefully it will get better tomorrow.
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
P.S. There was an issue with leaving exams early which Ruska and I will write about soon if you're interested.
Thursday, 13 June 2013
Ms. Rogers
Ms. Rogers was my third year PE teacher. She was much better than my previous one, because she actually remembered my name, well except for the occasional mix up when she called me Victoria. She was a good PE teacher I think and she seemed to like me and Ruska. Annoying thing about her though is that even though she seemed to like Ruska and I, she never let us be on the same team, it's like she knew we were going to talk non-stop. Despite that I still liked her as a PE teacher and would love to have her next year.
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
I really don't have anything much to add to that and I can't be bothered to repeat what Wero said, 'cept that she also teaches maths and is apparently horrible when she does so, but really good at it all the same (neither of us had her).
Goodbye my munchkins,
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
I really don't have anything much to add to that and I can't be bothered to repeat what Wero said, 'cept that she also teaches maths and is apparently horrible when she does so, but really good at it all the same (neither of us had her).
Goodbye my munchkins,
Ms. Davitt
Ms. Davitt was my history teacher this year. Last year I had one of the best teachers ever, Ms. Costello, who unfortunately moved to a different school and Ms. Dvitt took over for her. Ms. Davitt was an alright history teacher but I just don't think it's her thing. I had her for English in first year and I think that subject suited her a lot more. She likes to talk which is good for English but not so much for history. I do like her as a teacher though, she is one of the nicest ones for sure, always coming to class with a smile on her face.
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
Ms. Davitt is really, really sweet and nice. She's very likable and I don't think anyone dislikes her. Apparently she's great at teaching English, that doesn't surprise me very much but I've never had her for English. History most certainly is not her strong subject she teaches ok, but not great it's like she doesn't quite know what's going on but makes is seem like she does, or something like that... I've just read Weronika's bit and realised that I'm kinda repeating what she said so sorry 'bout that.
Goodbye my munchkins,
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
Ms. Davitt is really, really sweet and nice. She's very likable and I don't think anyone dislikes her. Apparently she's great at teaching English, that doesn't surprise me very much but I've never had her for English. History most certainly is not her strong subject she teaches ok, but not great it's like she doesn't quite know what's going on but makes is seem like she does, or something like that... I've just read Weronika's bit and realised that I'm kinda repeating what she said so sorry 'bout that.
Goodbye my munchkins,
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
Good Quality Entertainment
Ever got bored while walking through the streets? Ever desperate for some entertainment? Well I can help you. One of the coolest things you can do is wave at strangers. I swear, it's so damn entertaining. You can wave at people walking by or on buses or in cars (cyclists usually don't wave back D: ). Then you can either get that wondrous feeling when people wave back or smile (or as it once happened in my case, get a kiss blown at you) or get the pleasure of insulting people that ignore you (mentally or out loud) or laugh at some of the distasteful looks people might give you. Then for all of you thinking waving isn't enough, you can always do more! You can make loud comments, you can make funny faces or, in my case, make people laugh with some really bad dance moves. There are endless possibilities!
Goodbye my munckins,
Your master, Weronika
Goodbye my munckins,
Your master, Weronika
Monday, 10 June 2013
These are two things I did, I'm not sure what to call them so I'll just put up the pictures and you can make sense of it yourself.
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
I was going to do this at some point and I guess now is the time. Facebook has been getting on my nerves so much lately. I still use it because it's my only way of talking with people I don't see like every day and people back at home, but replace it with Skype whenever I can. The reason for Facebook's annoyingness is not the stupidity of some people on it because you can just delete stupid people but it's incapability of working. Lately, it doesn't tell me if someone wrote to me unless I refresh it. So I see someone is online, say 'hi' and don't get a reply which possibly makes me seem like a bitch or something. Not only that but it also randomly stops working and is like 'nope not going to respond', so I could be having a conversation and then it stops working and I can't reply for a few minutes. Then when I get it back, it's extremely slow so it's like 'oh you want to type, I don't think so', so I'm there typing and I look up to see the last two letters of what I wrote on the screen. It's really frustrating especially when I'm in the middle of an interesting conversation or there is a situation where I have to reply fast. That's it for now, in conclusion, Facebook sucks.
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
Mr. Doyle
Mr. Doyle was my maths teacher for three years and I fear what will happen when he doesn't teach me maths anymore. I'm afraid I'll fail maths without him because he is like an amazing teacher. He explains everything so well and often makes us laugh with things like his fraction buster song and coming up with names like Jacinta for examples. Last year there was this big thing I'm not going to explain about me writing notes and stuff with my friend in class, which I really regret because there was some bad stuff about him. It makes me feel really guilty because I don't actually think it and I love him as a teacher. Luckily he is really cool and didn't hold a grudge or anything and things soon went back to normal, although I don't think he liked me as much as he did in first year, when I was always ahead of the class (because I'm so amazing at maths, well was), anymore. I cried in my last maths class and wish I hugged him because I will miss him so much and I don't know if I'll be able to do maths without him (I'm probably exaggerating but still).
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
Sunday, 9 June 2013
Translation Stuff
As you all probably noticed, or should should have if you read this blog, we got a translator thingy on our blog, basically you can translate it to other languages. Now I can tell you this, the translator is not good, it's not shit but it's not the best. I translated it to Polish, a language I'm fairly fluent in, and I can tell you that some of it didn't make sense and the structure was appalling, so I'm sorry to all of you who used it and had to put in a lot of effort to understand what it's saying.
On a brighter note, if you translate it into a language you don't speak and read it, it can be very entertaining. Don't try understanding it just try reading it out loud and I swear some of the words are hilarious. The other day, Ruska and I tried this with a few languages, but I must say my favourite was Latin. I think I managed to read it quite well and some of it sounded really cool. Not only that was amazing, we found some really funny words too. The one that I remember the most and I think made us laugh the most, was the word 'parumper', which when we checked it meant 'in a while'. I use that word occasionally nowadays. Anyway, all of you should give it a try and see what funny words you can find.
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
On a brighter note, if you translate it into a language you don't speak and read it, it can be very entertaining. Don't try understanding it just try reading it out loud and I swear some of the words are hilarious. The other day, Ruska and I tried this with a few languages, but I must say my favourite was Latin. I think I managed to read it quite well and some of it sounded really cool. Not only that was amazing, we found some really funny words too. The one that I remember the most and I think made us laugh the most, was the word 'parumper', which when we checked it meant 'in a while'. I use that word occasionally nowadays. Anyway, all of you should give it a try and see what funny words you can find.
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
Ms. Gaynor
Ms. Gaynor was my art teacher in second and third year, who I found to be much better than my first year teacher. A lot of people complained about her and to be honest they had legitimate reasons but I never disliked her. She had her bad moments when she would just shout at you but also had her good moments when she'd be laughing with us and making jokes. I think she was a really good teacher and thanks to her my art skills improved (and trust me, they needed improving). She helped me improve my shading, which I had a tendency to overdo, and I'm proud to say I got B in my drawing exam for the mocks.
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
Saturday, 8 June 2013
I'm Still Flattered
Today Ruska and I were in Temple Bar listening to The Never Alone Collective buskers like we usually do on Saturdays. We were sitting on the ground listening to the music and this guy behind us asked me to smile, so I did, and he told me I had a beautiful smile, which got me blushing and giggling. Later on he called me over and asked my age (which is 14) and was surprised because apparently I look eighteen (even though I'm short). He introduced himself as Declan and told me that I'm gorgeous and will grow up to be a beautiful woman. I was even more flattered than before. Then when I was walking with Ruska we passed him and he, very gently, lifted my head, turned it towards him and asked me to smile, which I did. This got me extremely flattered and I still am, I must admit he was quite the charming guy.
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
Ms. Caniffe
Ms. Caniffe was my Irish teacher. Now, I don't like science and don't plan on doing it for Leaving Cert, even though I'm good at it, but thanks to Ms. Caniffe I actually enjoyed class. I sat at the front so I payed attention most the time and answered questions, which proved to be useful in exams for which I didn't study. Ms. Caniffe is a really nice teacher who occasionally talks with us about topics not so science related, like the X Factor. Also, she often let us watch science DVDs and a few times played us movies, like for our last class we watched The Simpsons. She managed to get us ahead with our course work so our science classes were really relaxed. Often we did work while talking to each other during class. I, once again, was sitting beside Niamh Smith, who I frequently talked with in science, and also talked with Nicole Wyne who sat behind me. Science with Ms. Caniffe was really fun, especially with her funny comments, I'll definitely miss her as a teacher.
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
Aram Zam Zam
Hello my dear munchkins, I have come to a decision to entertain/torture you with a song. My cousin showed it to me a while ago and I still have it stuck in my head, just like her whole class who discovered the song on YouTube. I hope this releases strong emotions in you, whether it's joy or pain, I don't really care. Have fun and Aram Zam Zam Aram Zam Zam...
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
Friday, 7 June 2013
Ms. O'Sullivan
Ms. O'Sullivan is my favourite teacher ever, I love her. She teaches me French but I wish I had her for Irish as well (she teaches ordinary level). She has taught me so much over second and third year, she explains everything so well and helps us understand what we're learning rather than expecting us to just learn it. She is also really cool and she makes jokes a lot which makes class more fun, like the one about the ghost of the french man who died reading our French letters. I really miss her now and actually cried after the last class with her because I was so sad that I might not have her anymore. I really hope I have her in my senior years in school because she is so damn amazing.
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
Ms. Sharkey
Ms. Sharkey was my Irish teacher in second and third year. She, along with Ms. Forde, teaches higher level. It's really annoying how ordinary level got the best teachers. I must admit I hated Ms. Sharkey in second year. Mostly probably because she wouldn't let me and my friend Alex sit together. Also, to be honest, she isn't the best teacher.
However, in third year, I began to like her. Well, I started doing better in Irish and answered questions in class all the time. As you can see I'm quite the teacher's pet. Anyway, this caused her to like me more, in turn causing me to like her. I like being liked by teachers. She is actually not that bad and can be quite funny at times. I can safely say I'm glad I had her rather than Ms. Forde.
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
However, in third year, I began to like her. Well, I started doing better in Irish and answered questions in class all the time. As you can see I'm quite the teacher's pet. Anyway, this caused her to like me more, in turn causing me to like her. I like being liked by teachers. She is actually not that bad and can be quite funny at times. I can safely say I'm glad I had her rather than Ms. Forde.
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
Thursday, 6 June 2013
I haven't been posting very much recently and I'm sorry. I had exams coming up and I had to pretend to study sometimes and then the rest of the time was just spent enjoying the sun, cos this is the only summer we're gonna get here in Ireland. I've also kinda screwed up my thumb so I've got this big support thing on my right hand so it's really hard to type so I'm sorry but you're not gonna be hearing much from me for a little while. Weronika should be able to do some stuff though.
Goodbye my munchkins,
Goodbye my munchkins,
Wednesday, 5 June 2013
Junior Cert- The Beginning
So today was the start of the Junior Cert. Your thinking that I must be stressing, but your wrong. I am excited and happy and relaxed and have a smile on my face ever since I woke up.
The exams started with English, paper one and two, well unless you're doing ordinary level the you just have paper one. I think I did alright in the exam to be honest. I must admit it was a bit hard but I think I'll get an honours result. I finished both the papers with time to spare, which is really good because never have I finished a paper two before.
Now I need to complain about the length of our lunch break. Seriously, who needs a two hour break, an hour is enough and then we would finish earlier rather than at half four. Also, the amount of people doing last minute study during the break, yeah I get it, it may work for some people, but in my opinion it just stresses you out before the exam. I think an hour long break is enough, during which we should stop thinking about the exams and just relax.
I don't study for exams, I just pay attention in class, and when I have exams I relax and I do good so I think relaxation is pretty good. Anyway, wish me luck on the rest of the exams, Irish tomorrow!!!
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
The exams started with English, paper one and two, well unless you're doing ordinary level the you just have paper one. I think I did alright in the exam to be honest. I must admit it was a bit hard but I think I'll get an honours result. I finished both the papers with time to spare, which is really good because never have I finished a paper two before.
Now I need to complain about the length of our lunch break. Seriously, who needs a two hour break, an hour is enough and then we would finish earlier rather than at half four. Also, the amount of people doing last minute study during the break, yeah I get it, it may work for some people, but in my opinion it just stresses you out before the exam. I think an hour long break is enough, during which we should stop thinking about the exams and just relax.
I don't study for exams, I just pay attention in class, and when I have exams I relax and I do good so I think relaxation is pretty good. Anyway, wish me luck on the rest of the exams, Irish tomorrow!!!
Goodbye my munchkins,
Your master, Weronika
Tuesday, 4 June 2013
Suburbia is a
film about a group of punks who call themselves ’TR’ or ‘The Rejected.’ They’re
squatting in an abandoned house in a ghost estate in the suburbs of town. It’s
based mainly around the experience of one of the newer members of the group. He
had run away from home because his mother was an alcoholic and when his mother
was sent to jail, for drunk driving, his younger brother (about 8 y/o) joined
them too. I’ve watched this film so many times and I never grow sick of it.
It’s the only movie I’ve ever actually cried while watching. It’s an amazing
film and really makes you feel as if you’ve known the characters for all your
life. It’s definitely worth a watch, it’s
just so realistic. I really love it, so GO AND WATCH!!!
Goodbye my munchkins,
Green Day

Goodbye my munchkins,
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